Donate online

Donate Online
Thank you for supporting our right to know what’s in our food!

For optimal security, all Food Fight Fund online donations will be processed on the secure State of Vermont servers. There, you have two ways to pay online: by credit card or electronic fund transfer from a checking account.

Here are a few tips about the payment page:
You may donate any amount you wish. Simply enter that amount in the “unit price” box.
In the “quantity” box, leave the setting at “1″.
Click through the fields to complete your address information so that we can send you a receipt for your donation. Note that the system won’t take special characters like “#” for apartment or unit numbers. Please just enter the number.
You will see that your donation amount increases slightly – look to the right hand column under the title “transaction summary.” The additional amount is a processing fee that credit card companies and banks charge for transactions.
This small processing fee will ensure that 100% of your donation will support the fund. Remember that you can pay by check too. Visit the donate by check page for our mailing address.

Once you’ve provided your payment information, you’ll be brought back to this website for more information about how you can help Vermont win the Food Fight.