Donate by check

Donate by Check
Thank you for your generous support of The Vermont Food Fight Fund.

You are helping Vermont make history by supporting our first-in-the-nation legislation that protects our rights to make informed choices about the foods that we buy.

To make a donation by check, please make your check payable to:

The Vermont Food Fight Fund
Agency of Administration Financial Services

Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Donations to this fund shall be used “to pay costs or liabilities incurred by the Attorney General or the State implementation and administration, including rulemaking, of the requirements under 9 V.S.A. chapter 82A for the labeling of food produced from genetic engineering.”

For more information about this fund, please visit the H. 112 legislation page.

For convenience, you can print the Food Fight Fund Donation Form and mail it with your donation.
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